Tonight we honored our first responders and police officers at our football game. We are blessed to have this group of men and women in our community. Thank you for all you do! @tmobile #Sweepstakes #5gfnl
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Our Gifted & Talented students have been learning about the 63 different National Parks. Students researched a specific park of their choice and created a presentation.
3 months ago, Tambra Scroggins
National Parks
National Parks
National Parks
National Parks
National Parks
National Parks
National Parks
Students are thrilled to begin their painting unit in Art class! #AlphaArt
3 months ago, Candace Scott
Good luck to our Lady Wolve softball team as they travel to Tahlequah Sequoyah today to compete in the regional softball tournament. Our first game is at 1:00 vs. Sequoyah. #WolfMeat
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Attention Freshman Parents: Freshman class shirts are being sold for $10. Order forms are available at the office. These must be turned in no later than October 7th. All freshmen need to have one. Please see a freshman sponsor if money is an issue. Please bring forms and money to Mrs. Alexander.
3 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
Tommy Newcomer presented a check from Heavener Lodge #154 to help with cost of the new clocks in the gym. #AlphaPartner #WolfMeat
3 months ago, Brian Terry
A huge shout out and THANK YOU to our amazing Principals at HPS! We are so fortunate to have Mrs. Cartwright, Mr. Dyer, Mr. Terry, and Mr. Ralls at Heavener Public Schools. Thank you so much for all that you do to support learning at Heavener. #alphaleaders
3 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
3 months ago, Candace Scott
Correction our softball game is at 1:00 Thursday.
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Regional softball bracket. First game at Tahlequah Sequoyah Thursday at 2:00 vs Idabel
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Heavener we are winners of the weekly T-Mobile weekly 5K Fridays. Thanks for everyone who either tagged pics, photos, like, shared etc. onto our Instagram. The top 16 will be announced on October 10, each of the top 16 will receive $25,000. Please post spirit pics, videos, traditions, etc. @heavenerschoolsathletics also include @tmobile, #sweepstakes #FN5GL #ComeHowlWithUs #WolfMeat #AlphaTough
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Attention Heavener Area Businesses, Civic Organizations, and Churches! Heavener Elementary will be hosting a TRUNK OR TREAT. If you would like to participate and come hand out candy, please contact Mrs. Yolanda Wilson or Mrs. Shawn Yeager at the Elementary Library. Call (918)-653-4313 to sign up and for more information.
3 months ago, Yolanda Wilson
Trunk or Treat
Football is Saturday night this week at Hugo 7:00 PM. Lets show and support our hometown Wolves in this very important district match up! Hugo football stadium 101 Lloyd Street, Hugo OK. #WolfMeat
3 months ago, Brian Terry
Heavener Mid-Level would like to thank Annette Statts with Educational Talent Search for speaking to our 7th and 8th grade students today about the many educational opportunities that are provided through the program. #AlphaOpportunities
3 months ago, Beth Mead
We are kicking off our Wolves Wellness information TODAY and what better way to do that than to offer up some health information related to helping you catch a good night's sleep to promote a successful school year for ALL! For more information on what to do for MORE sleep or BETTER sleep, visit: Now, off to bed sleepyhead! ¡Estamos iniciando nuestra información sobre Wolves Wellness HOY y qué mejor manera de hacerlo que ofrecer información de salud relacionada con ayudarlo a dormir bien por la noche para promover un año escolar exitoso para TODOS! Para obtener más información sobre qué hacer para dormir MÁS o dormir MEJOR, visite: pdf Ahora, ¡a la cama, dormilón!
3 months ago, Margo Wright
Congratulations to our September students of the month! These students were recognized by their teachers at our middle school assembly today for their outstanding academic work and behavior. 6th grade- Yadira Diaz 7th grade- Elizabeth Reyes 8th grade- Jamie Gomez-Perez Keep up the great work girls! #AlphaLeaders
3 months ago, Beth Mead
Mrs. Luman's 8th grade Reading Class walked to our public library today where the librarians let them sign up for library cards. The students were given a tour of the library and all it has to offer. They were also shown how to use the online digital library which will give them access to digital audio and regular books. Thank you to the Heavener Public Library and Mrs. Luman for promoting a love to read with our students. #AlphaReaders
3 months ago, Beth Mead
Attention all High School Students and Parents! After-School AND Lunch tutoring at the High School will begin TOMORROW, September 24th. This is open to ALL High School students needing help with their work, or understanding concepts. See the attached flyer for more information.
3 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
High School
Thank you to Angel Hogan-Smith with KTC for speaking to our 6th-8th grade students about educational and career paths. We are very thankful for our partnership with KTC and everything they do for our students. #AlphaFutures
3 months ago, Beth Mead
New signage located in the southeast corner of Harvey Stadium thank you Mr. Wilson along with donations from the Heavener Classroom Teachers Association and the Heavener Alumni Association. #AlphaPartners #WolfMeat
3 months ago, Brian Terry