S/O to our wolves soccer and baseball teams today soccer swept Mena (women 2-1 and men 7-1) Baseball swept Henryetta 15-7 and 12-1. Best news of all Rejoice Christian defeated Bristow making our men's soccer team District Champions we will host a playoff game on May 2.

LeFLORE—Heavener’s girls tuned up for Wednesday’s district tournament with a 13-1 win at LeFlore Monday afternoon.
The win improves Heavener to 13-11. The Lady Wolves host Panama and Roland in the district tournament Wednesday. Heavener’s games in the tournament will be live streamed and can be seen HERE. LeFlore is 14-13 and visits Smithville in a Class A district tournament Thursday.

Today at HHS (4/18) 3:00 Baseball vs Henryetta, Soccer vs Mena JV boys at 4:00, Varsity Girls at 5:00, Varsity Boys at 7:00. Admission at both events is $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students

Heavener’s boys won the Mena Invitational Track Meet championship Monday with many medalists.
Steven Cruz was first in the 800, first in the 1600 with Seth Lynch second, and first in the 3200. The Wolves swept the 110 hurdles with Tony Cruz first, Carson Payne second and Isaac Cook third.
Heavener also swept the 300 hurdles with Tony Adkins first, Cook second and Payne third. Jerami Casteel was first in the shot and the disc while Kevin Bretado was third in the disc.
The Wolves also were first in the 4x200 with Adkins, Payne, Parker Brand and Cook. Also, Heavener won the 4x800 behind Cruz, Cook, Lynch and Payne. In the 200, Adkins finished third and Brand sixth.
For the girls, Heavener’s Allison Palmer was fourth and Destiny Lawson fifth in the 1600. In the 3200 Palmer took third and Lawson was fourth. Heavener goes to the Broken Bow meet Thursday.

Heavener sophomore Jeren Pickle shot an 80 to finish tied for sixth in a strong field at the first Heavener Wolves golf invitational tournament at Wolf Ridge Golf Course Monday.
There were some 12 schools competing, many of those Class 4A, from as far away as Tulsa, which came to the tournament as Wolf Ridge will host a 4A regional golf tournament this year.
Devry Ritter shot a 100 for the next best score for Heavener.

Today Coach Wheat and the Heavener Wolves hosted the Class 4a Regional Preview Golf Tournament at Wolf Ridge Country Club. 60 golfers from all over the area competed, congrats to Wolf Jeren Pickle on his 6th place overall finish. Thank you to First National Bank of Heavener providing lunch for all the players and coaches, and special thanks to Kevin Curry and Jamin Thompson for cooking. #AlphaSupport

Watch Heavener's home baseball game with Wilburton at 4 p.m. here: https://www.youtube.com/c/CraigHall2021

Heavener's junior high baseball team won the consolation championship of the junior high county tournament.

McCurtain at Heavener softball: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbL2oGHh6CI&t=2498s

S/O to our men’s soccer team. They went on the road tonight and defeated Locust Grove to extend their winning streak to 5 in a row and 6-1 in the season. Make plans to come out to Harvey Stadium Tuesday JV boys start at 4:00 with varsity men and women to follow. Congrats Men keep it up!!

High school prom information.

Heavener will host McCurtain in a slow pitch softball game today at 3 p.m.

The Leflore County Health Department will be coming to Heavener our school April 26 to administer Tdap vaccine to those 6th graders who have not already had it. Tdap is a required immunization at the age of 11-12. This is a great opportunity for your child to have this required vaccine administered on site so that school or work is not missed.
Packets will be sent home to parents the week of April 17th so that there is enough time to fill these out and returned before the 26th. If you do not want your child to have this vaccination at the school, they will need to be administered the vaccine at their primary care provider’s office or the health department.
If you do not want your child to be administered this vaccination, you may fill out an immunization exemption form to be mailed to the state department of health.
If you have any questions or concerns please call the school nurse at 918-653-3053.

Heavener Public Schools is taking applications for the Assistant Plant Manager. This is a 12 month full time position. Applications may be found on the Heavener Public Schools website or by picking one up at the superintendent's office. Please submit an application to the superintendent's office at 500 west 2nd Ave C , Heavener OK . Applications may be submitted via email at ewilson@heavenerschools.org
This position is open until filled.
Heavener Public Schools is an EOE

Heavener Public Schools – Summer EBT for Children Program
Heavener Public Schools
Email: mhamner@heavenerschools.org for more information..
Free and Reduced Lunch Application. School Lunch Forms – Each family of new and returning students must fill out this form (One per family).
Here is the application form: https://chickasaw.workflowcloud.com/forms/a500f8b0-d540-4010-b1aa-014aaeadf73a

The scheduled softball games at Heavener today have been cancelled. Battiest or Wilburton did not have enough players.

Heavener Public Schools will be holding an Indian Education/JOM Meeting on Thursday, April 6th, at 5 p.m. in the Glenn Scott Building.

Heavener Middle School students of the month for March are Sophia Garcia, Jerred Boss and Angeles Camargo

Parents of HHS Juniors:
Next week, April 4th-6th, the Juniors will be completing their required state testing. They will be completing three tests: The ACT w/Writing on Tuesday, CCRA Science on Wednesday, and CCRA US History on Thursday. Please help us make sure these students get to school on time each morning with their Chromebooks charged and ready to go. If you would like more information about these tests please click on the following link, or give the office a call. These tests are a requirement for graduation.