Heavener Public Schools is now taking applications for a Special Education Paraprofessional. Applications may be found on our school website at: https://www.heavenerschools.org/documents/applications/11340. Please submit an application and resume to the Elementary Principal/Special Education Director, Mrs. Keli Cartwright at kcartwright@heavenerschools.org. Heavener Public Schools is an EOE.
over 1 year ago, Jorena Stapp
HI HEAVENER WOLVES, HERE'S A QUICK REMINDER FOR NEXT WEEK: It's time for Heavener High School Enrollment! Students who have already completed their enrollment packet can begin picking up their class schedules the week of July 31st. Enrollment packets must be complete in order to get a class schedule. Heavener High School returning students and new students may come pick up schedules/fill out enrollment packets the week of July 31st from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm as follows: Monday-July 31st-SENIORS Tuesday-August 1st- JUNIORS Wednesday-August 2nd-SOPHOMORES Thursday-August 3rd-FRESHMEN *NEW students will need to bring shot records, birth certificate, social security card (CDIB card if applicable), proof of residency, and previous high school transcript (if enrolling in 10th-12th grade). *DRIVERS will need to report to Officer Puckett during the above times any day Wednesday-Friday (August 2nd-August 4th). Drivers must bring proof of insurance and driver's license and have completed the necessary form. *KTC students, CASC students, and Junior & Senior Interns must have permission form completed during enrollment week. *Students, who are already 15, and wanting to enroll in Driver's Ed will need to bring $50 and sign up with either Mrs. Dyer or Mrs. Wright ANYTIME during the week of July 31st- Driver's Ed is assigned on a first come, first serve basis. ALL FORMS, INCLUDING THE ENROLLMENT FORMS, ARE LOCATED ON THE LEDGE AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AND MAY BE PICKED UP PRIOR TO ENROLLMENT WEEK TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OF GETTING SIGNATURES!
over 1 year ago, Margo Wright
Heavener Public Schools will hand out JOM school supplies to eligible K-12th grade students on Monday, August 7th, Tuesday, August 8th, and Wednesday, August 9th from 10am - 3pm at the Glenn Scott Center. New students must bring their birth certificate and CDIB card.
over 1 year ago, Aaron Scroggins
Heavener Football Program Ad Sales **Please Return this page with payment and Ad attached no later than August 30th AD Size and Cost ___1/4 page - $25 ___1/2 page - $50 ___full page - $100 Business Name _________________________________________________ Business Address ______________________________________________ Contact Name (please print) _______________________________________ Contact Phone # ________________________________________________ Email address:___________________________________________________ Message you would like included in the ad ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Please attach a business card if you would like the graphic included in the ad. Wolves Ad Sales – Receipt Heavener Football Program Ad Sales **Please Return this page with payment and Ad attached no later than August 30th AD Size and Cost ___1/4 page - $25 ___1/2 page - $50 ___full page - $100 Business Name _________________________________________________ Business Address ______________________________________________ Contact Name (please print) _______________________________________ Contact Phone # ________________________________________________ Email address:___________________________________________________ Message you would like included in the ad ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Please attach a business card if you would like the graphic included in the ad. Wolves Ad Sales - Receipt The Heavener High School football players appreciate your support in purchasing an ad for our football program. To ensure that your ad is part of our program, please make sure to return your ad with payment anytime between now and August 30th. Please retain this sheet for your records in case you have any questions regarding your ad. Player’s Name selling the ad ____________________________________________ Size of Ad ¼ - $25.00 ½ - $50.00 full page - $100.00 Method of Payment ____________________________________________________ Date of Purchase ______________________________________________________ If mailing your ad, please send to the following address: ℅ Carrie Alexander Heavener High School P.O. Box 698 Heavener, OK 74937 If you are emailing your ad/images, please send to the following email address: calexander@heavenerschools.org If you have any questions regarding your ad, please feel free to contact Carrie Alexander at (918) 658-5609
over 1 year ago, Craig Hall
It's time for Heavener High School Enrollment! Students who have already completed their enrollment packet can begin picking up their class schedules the week of July 31st. Enrollment packets must be complete in order to get a class schedule. Heavener High School returning students and new students may come pick up schedules/fill out enrollment packets the week of July 31st from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm as follows: Monday-July 31st-SENIORS Tuesday-August 1st- JUNIORS Wednesday-August 2nd-SOPHOMORES Thursday-August 3rd-FRESHMEN *NEW students will need to bring shot records, birth certificate, social security card (CDIB card if applicable), proof of residency, and previous high school transcript (if enrolling in 10th-12th grade). *DRIVERS will need to report to Officer Puckett during the above times any day Wednesday-Friday (August 2nd-August 4th). Drivers must bring proof of insurance and driver's license and have completed the necessary form. *KTC students, CASC students, and Junior & Senior Interns must have permission form completed during enrollment week. *Students, who are already 15, and wanting to enroll in Driver's Ed will need to bring $50 and sign up with either Mrs. Dyer or Mrs. Wright ANYTIME during the week of July 31st- Driver's Ed is assigned on a first come, first serve basis. ALL FORMS, INCLUDING THE ENROLLMENT FORMS, ARE LOCATED ON THE LEDGE AT THE HIGH SCHOOL AND MAY BE PICKED UP PRIOR TO ENROLLMENT WEEK TO BEGIN THE PROCESS OF GETTING SIGNATURES!
over 1 year ago, Margo Wright
high school
The summertime OSSAA dead week period is July 1 - July 9, 2023. During this time, student-athletes cannot participate in school athletic activities. • Secondary-level students enrolled or pre-enrolled students at a member school may not use any member school’s athletic facilities during the dead period in connection with any athletic activity governed by the OSSAA. • Member school coaches, assistant coaches, and sponsors may not have any contact with secondary-level enrolled or pre-enrolled students in that member school in any athletic activity governed by the OSSAA for the purpose of coaching, training or instructing.
over 1 year ago, Brian Terry
Elementary Gifted & Talented students enjoyed visiting the Science Museum of Oklahoma and ate dinner at Ted's Escondido Cafe!
over 1 year ago, Tambra Scroggins
GT Trip
GT trip
GT Trip
GT trip
GT Trip
GT trip
Deep Sea
Race track
Dinner Time
High School Gifted & Talented students attended a "Summer Science Institute" taught by Mr. & Mrs. Scroggins. The students built solar robots & electronic cicuits. They experimented with dry ice to learn about sublimation.
over 1 year ago, Tambra Scroggins
Building solar robots
Building Electronic Circuits
Electronic Circuits
Dry ice experiments
Circuit car!
Dry Ice sublimation
Gifted & Talented Summer Science Academy 2023. Elementary students participated in a day camp taught by Mr. & Mrs. Scroggins. They completed science experiments, made homemade ice cream & played games.
over 1 year ago, Tambra Scroggins
GT Camp
Mr. Scroggins explaining who to build a self propelled car using a rubber band.
Competition time
Car assemby
Ice cream
Game time
Brain flake creations
Lava lamps & rain clouds
Elem GT Summer Science Academy
Heavener’s girls’ basketball team will hold a spaghetti dinner fundraiser to raise funds for a basketball team camp. The dinner is Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the PAC. There is no cost for the meal, only donations will be accepted.
almost 2 years ago, Craig Hall
Heavener Public Schools is now taking applications for a Speech Pathologist. Applications may be found on our school website at: https://www.heavenerschools.org/documents/applications/11340 Please send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certification to the Elementary Principal/Special Education Director, Mrs. Keli Cartwright at kcartwright@heavenerschools.org. Heavener Public Schools is an EOE.
almost 2 years ago, Jorena Stapp
Heavener Public Schools is taking applications for a 2 support staff positions: (1) A full time food service staff member. (2) A full position with duties consisting of part time food service staff and part time custodian. Applications may be found on our school website at: https://www.heavenerschools.org/documents/applications/11340. Please submit applications to Melissa Hamner mhamner@heavenerschools.org. Heavener Public Schools is an EOE.
almost 2 years ago, Jorena Stapp
Concurrently Enrolled Students/Parents: Please pay close attention to start dates for summer college classes and fall classes because these vary among colleges and we now have students enrolled in four different colleges/universities. If you have any questions about the start dates of your college classes, please call Mrs. Wright BEFORE June 1st at 918-653-4307.
almost 2 years ago, Margo Wright
college bound
Heavener Public Schools is taking applications for a High School/Middle School Math Teacher. Applications may be found on our school website at: https://www.heavenerschools.org/documents/applications/11340. Please send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certification to Mr. Ralls at gralls@heavenerschools.org.
almost 2 years ago, Jorena Stapp
Privileged to present Johnny Jacinto with his All-State Soccer Jacket today. He will be playing in the All State game June 10 at 8:00 pm in Newcastle
almost 2 years ago, Brian Terry
High School Students, summer school started today and will continue through June 22. Classes will be in the HS Annex (Math) building Monday - Thursday 8:00am-Noon. Students who were informed they needed summer school and do not attend will be enrolled in credit recovery in the fall semester, this will/could affect your ability to enroll in desired electives for the 2023-2024 school year.
almost 2 years ago, Brian Terry
The Oklahoma Baseball Coaches Association selected Heavener’s Noah Ward and Angel Alvarez to the Class 3A all-star by class team for the east
almost 2 years ago, Craig Hall
8th-9th-10th-AND ESPECIALLY 11TH Grade Parents: Mrs. Wright is asking that you please apply for Oklahoma's Promise for your child if you have not already done so. This is a scholarship that covers the entire cost of TUITION for approved colleges, universities, and technology centers in Oklahoma. There are income requirements in place; however, sometimes special provisions exist. There are two ways to apply: paper application or online application. You can go to https://www.okhighered.org/okpromise/ to apply online or you can come by Mrs. Wright's office to pick up a paper application. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT 11TH GRADE PARENTS REMEMBER THAT 11TH GRADERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO APPLY BEYOND June 30th, 2023 and so far we have only a small handful of juniors who have applied. For more information you can email okpromise@osrhe.edu or call (800) 858-1840.
almost 2 years ago, Margo Wright
ok promise
Heavener Public Schools is taking applications for a Head Boys' Basketball Coach. The preferred teaching field is Math. Applications may be found on our school website at: https://www.heavenerschools.org/documents/applications/11340. Please send a cover letter, resume, and teaching certification to Mr. Terry at bterry@heavenerschools.org.
almost 2 years ago, Jorena Stapp
Heavener Head Start Program, Save the Children, is taking applications for students who are eligible for the 2023-2024 school year. Applications may be picked up on May 18th from 9am-2pm at the Head Start Center located at 500 West 2nd Street.
almost 2 years ago, Jorena Stapp
Recruitment Flyer
Head Start location