A group of HHS FFA members traveled to state convention this week. Three of these students received their State FFA Degrees: Kason Krebbs, Devry Ritter, and Melayna Alexander. Dawson Frizzell sang on stage in the Expo. Also, the Sporting Clay Team that placed 3rd in the State and Connor Maxwell was overall 1st high individual were recognized.
10 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
Sporting Clay
Mrs. Johnson's classes wrapped up their blackout poetry unit. The poems were beautifully done. Pictured here are the 1st, 2nd & 3rd place winners. Congratulations!
10 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
ATTENTION STUDENT ATHLETES: Physicals were held at school today. If you did not get yours today you will need to by May 31, your current physical expires at this time. YOU CANNOT participate in summer pride/offseason without a current physical on file. We have forms in the office. You may contact Dr. Melinda's office let them know you attend Heavener schools, she will complete your physical for $10.00. All students participating in any sport (this includes cheer), and band grades 6-12 must have a physical and all ossaa/school required forms signed and on file. Thanks in advance #AlphaStrong #WolfMeat
10 months ago, Brian Terry
Heavener Athletics would like to thank First National Bank and the Heavener Lions Club for their donation that will go toward the installation of shot clocks in our gym. Pictured representing FNB AND Lions Club are Patricia Martin and Tania Stacy with Heavener Athletic Director Brian Terry
10 months ago, Brian Terry
Heavener High School students who donated blood in April were given tickets to visit the Tulsa Zoo. The group took their trip to the zoo on May 7th.
10 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
Congratulations to HHS Teacher of the Year, Emma Terry! Thank you, Mrs. Terry for your energy & enthusiasm in serving our students!
10 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
Emma Terry
Heavener Public Schools is currently accepting applications for school nurse. Registered nurse (RN) preferred, but not required, LPN's may apply Salary is based on experience and licensure status · Heavener Public Schools is an EOE · Job opening is open until filled · Send applications to the attention of SUPERINTENDENT, ED WILSON at Heavener Public Schools at PO box 698, Heavener Ok 74937 or ewilson@heavenerschools.org
10 months ago, Jorena Stapp
Physicals for sports, band, and cheer will be Wednesday 8:30 (we will start with 7th grade due to a trip) -12:30. Forms will go home today, with the exception of those on a field trip today (we will meet with those students Tuesday.). There are several forms in the packet that need to be signed by both student and parent.
10 months ago, Brian Terry
A group of seniors travelled to Branson today. The group went to Solver Dollar City and then to Dolly's Stampede.
10 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
Silver Dollar City
Physicals for the 2024-2025 school year will be Wednesday May 8 beginning at 8:30 for students that will be entering the 6th-12 the grades. Cost will be $10.00. The 7th grade will go first due to a field trip. All students participating in athletics, cheer, and band are required to have a physical on file prior to participating. Forms will be sent home Monday, there are several forms in the packet all need signatures by both parents and students. Please share
11 months ago, Brian Terry
We will be taking a spirt bus to the soccer game at Casady (OKC) Friday night the bus is for heavener students grades 8-12 only (sorry no parents or non school people). $5.00 for the bus ride, $10.00 for admission to the game and whatever $$$ you want to spent for food. The bus will leave the high school parking at 1:00 sharpe game time is 6:00 return time will be around midnight. Please share the bus will Hold the first 40 persons in line.
11 months ago, Brian Terry
"STAR POWER HOUR" Incentive for 3rd-5th Grades. We are so proud of all of our students and their reading progress.
11 months ago, Tambra Scroggins
STAR POWER HOUR Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
Power Hour Incentive 3rd-5th Grades
We have a lot of great stuff going on at HPS to end the year. 1) Jeren Pickle shot 71 today at a very soggy Rock Creek golf course in Sapulpa to qualify for the state tournament Monday and Tuesday in Muskogee 2) Our men's soccer team will play Casady Christian Friday night at 6:00 in Oklahoma City in the state soccer quarter finals 3) Jerami, Isaac, Seth, Steven, Jackson, Parker, Carson, and Galaad will represent us at the state track meet Friday and Saturday in Catoosa with Seth and Parker pulling double duty at both state track in Catoosa and State Soccer in OKC. Congratulations to all! #itsagreatdaytobeawolf #AlphaHardWork #WolfMeat
11 months ago, Brian Terry
Heavener Public Schools has named Mr. Noah Davis as our women's basketball coach. Noah is a 2015 graduate of Heavener, his duties will include all aspects of our woman's basketball program elementary through high school as well as being our assistant baseball and junior high baseball coach. Noah comes to us from Kinta where he coached multiple sports including men's and women's basketball, cross country, and golf. Noah is married to Kelsie and they have two boys Kampton and Asher. Welcome to wolf nation Coach Davis. #WolfMeat #AlphaCoach.
11 months ago, Brian Terry
Second Grade volunteers assisted the First Grade students with their reading skills during ROCKET READING this morning. Students earned prizes for meeting their reading challenge.
11 months ago, Tambra Scroggins
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
1st & 2nd Grade Students participate in Rocket Reading
WolfNation. Due to incoming weather the regional track meet has been postponed to Monday. In order to give all our athletes proper recognition we will move our sports banquet to Thursday May 9.
11 months ago, Brian Terry
Men's soccer will host Commerce Tuesday April 30 at 6:00 pm. In the first round of the state playoffs. Ticket prices are $10.00 at the gate and $8.35 online using the GoFan app. Prices are set by the OSSAA. Come out and support these young men. #WolfMeat
11 months ago, Brian Terry
Mrs. Scroggins' 2nd & 3rd Grade Students participated in a Maker Space Challenge using Brain Flakes!
11 months ago, Tambra Scroggins
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
Maker Space Brain Flakes
All Sports Banquet is coming up soon- next week on Monday. More information below.
11 months ago, Sabrina Dyer
We had a great time celebrating our senior baseball team last night, congratulations!! #WolfMeat #GoodLuck #AlphaSeniors
11 months ago, Brian Terry