Heavener High School’s New Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher

I recently got the chance to interview our new Family and Consumer Sciences teacher, Mrs. Hardin, who is a 2007 graduate of Heavener High School. Mrs. Hardin graduated from both Carl Albert State College and Northeastern State University with a bachelor’s degree in Human and Family Sciences. She previously taught Family and Consumer Sciences  Bokoshe High School. Not only is Mrs. Hardin a  teacher, she is also the preschool director at Heavener First Baptist Church.

M: Are you excited for anything in particular this year?

Mrs. Hardin: I love Heavener Public Schools, and I am excited to be teaching in my hometown!

M: How do you feel about your classes so far?

Mrs. Hardin: I have enjoyed each class so far. I have great students who are eager to participate in class discussions and projects.

M: What do you hope to achieve this year?

Mrs. Hardin: I would like to see high membership and participation in FCCLA this year.

M: What do you think the best part about your job is?

Mrs. Hardin: I get the opportunity to teach students life skills and help them prepare for adulthood.

I proceeded to ask Mrs. Hardin how she feels about Heavener High so far, she replied with, “ The administration and faculty are excellent. I am blessed to be a teacher at Heavener High School! ” Welcome, Mrs. Hardin!

By Madison Slusser of The Wolf Howls