Netflix Review
A Netflix documentary came out in 2016 called Newtown reenacting the horrible events leading up to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut which occurred on December 14th of 2012 when 20-year- old Adam Lanza shot and killed 26 people, including 20 children. As the beginning of this documentary unfolds you get a look inside how Newtown was before this horrific day and shortly after this flashback you begin to hear the 911 calls taking place on that day, the intensity continuously builds up as the documentary goes on.
There are real accounts and interviews all throughout this documentary from witnesses, children, and survivors. You get to see how the families cope with the loss of their children or loved ones. I don’t think anyone can even begin to think about the horror that these families have experienced and this documentary really captures the most precious and horrible parts of life in its truest form.
I absolutely love watching documentaries, In my opinion, they have a huge impact on the audience watching. Documentaries can make you feel emotions you have never experienced before, with a documentary this intense, you can’t help but feel an overwhelming amount of emotion rush over you. I truly can’t put this documentary into words, it is probably one of the most emotional and heart wrenching documentaries I have ever watched it’s truly amazing work.