Megan Alexander has been a member of FFA for four years and is the current. FFA will be holding its annual Meet and Greet at the show barn on September 26 at 6:30 p.m. When asked what to expect at the Meet and Greet she said, “The Meet and Greet is all about welcoming new members. Each year, there is a free hamburger dinner. This year, we will be having a pie auction to help send our officers to the National Convention in Indianapolis. We’re hoping for a big turn out!”
M: What sort of activities go on at National Convention?
Megan: National Convention is all about learning how to better serve your chapter. Leadership is key! Convention is also a great way to grow closer with your officer team.
M: What are you most looking forward to during show season?
Megan: One thing I’m looking forward to in this show season is making this season the best one yet! This show season is going to be bittersweet because it’s my last year. Showing is something that I have grown up doing.
M: What is the hardest part of showing an animal?
Megan: The hardest part about showing is learning to be patient with your animal and not stressing out over little things. The main thing is just staying calm, but that can be very difficult on show days because they can get really crazy!
M: What is something most people may not know about FFA?
Megan: It’s not all animals. FFA has taught me many lessons through public speaking and has let me be able to meet really cool people.
When asked what led her to join FFA she replied with, “I’ve always shown animals. I was in the 4H club up until I was old enough to join FFA. I really started to get involved in FFA when my uncle became the ag teacher. He was the one who encouraged me to do more than just showing animals like, opening ceremonies, writing my own speeches, going to speech competitions and traveling tomany different camps throughout the summer. Joining FFA has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made!”
By: Mackenzie Slusser of The Wolf Howls